I came across an adorable challenge on a blog I frequent, The Dating Divas. The 30 day love challenge started on January 18th, and challenged husbands and wives, to do something sweet and creative for their spouse for the 30 days leading up to Valentine's Day. To truly understand why a person like myself would do this, other than the obvious - 'this should be interesting and make for a blog entry or two' and I'm a total cheese ball and love silly things like this - I must first tell you a story:
Once upon a time, a princess tried to embrace a new land far far away from her family. She had her Prince and royal pup, and was thrilled to see what the future held. Very soon after her journey, Valentine's Day arrived! Now this was a day that was greeted in past years with cards, jewelry, and other magical things - so this year was sure to be a great one, with so much more to do in this land! To the Princess's surprise, the Prince didn't plan a single thing. Well. This meant that they would have no plans, so when a sweet villager invited the couple to a small country church dinner (with the Prince's least favorite food being served) and movie (played on a projector whilst being seated in wooden pews for 2 hours) - the Princess had no choice but to agree to attend. Bwah. Ha. Ha.
So. Hubby learned his lesson. But I learned something too. Valentine's Day - meh. Not really a holiday that makes a ton of sense or grand significance, but I must say that I've always been a fan of a day that everyone comes together and puts aside their differences to show they care. I love my husband all year, but I like the romance of him knowing something extra can come around every year on February 14th. However, the pressure of planning, purchasing, surprising, secreting, etc. can crop up feelings opposite to love. So. I saw this challenge as a way to dote on my adorable husband, which is what I like, and take the pressure off of planning something, which is what he likes.
The first day I started I was met with a smile and eye roll. We ate dinner and I asked him to fill out a questionnaire listing his favorite snacks, foods, etc, most of which I already knew - but it was fun to see how well I knew him.
As we progressed, the daily treats started stirring something in him - he actually started looking forward to them, wondering when they were coming, and even asked me to keep some of the printables so he could do them for me sometime! My heart just melted! This adorable challenge was having a 'heart grew 3 sizes/Grinch' effect on my already loving husband (he's no Grinch, but you get the imagery).
Then.... the inevitable happened. A bad day. You've all had them. And in 30 days if you don't have one, you're probably about to, ha ha! The I-love-you-but-we're-off-and-not-on-the-same-page-and-just-looking-at-me-wrong-causes-an-argument-and-I-just-want-chocolate kinda day. Buuuut, I had a love challenge that day. I didn't necessarily do it with bells on my shoes - but I did it. And something amazing happened: I realized that I was seeing a picture unfold of what marriages, what relationships, what families are supposed to look like - to love graciously, give selflessly, despite your current feelings - and it was beautiful. Sure, I frowned while doing it; sure, it appeared as though I were just doing the challenge out of obligation - but God spoke to me through my grumpy heart that day, and I was so grateful for the 'obligatory' challenge that saved our bad day.
What would your marriage, your friendship, your relationship look like if we displayed love when we least wanted to? It can be as tiny as refilling a glass, taking out the trash, sending a sweet text - but something that says "I love you" when your tone, your look, your last words may say otherwise.
My husband is my boyfriend for life. We're always dating, always flirting, always promising to be there for the other. And I hereby declare that from Valentine's Days to Bad Days I will show him love. Thank you Dating Divas!
Happily Ever After-Shock. If your crown gets heavy - you've found the right place.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
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