I received WONDERFUL news this week from my sister-in-law that the tiny peanut growing inside her.... IS A GIRL!! So in just 4ish months I will be the VERY proud Aunt-T of niece! I couldn't be more excited!! I've looooove having a nephew, and even though I don't get to see him as often as I would like, it is such a joy when I do get to see how much he's grown, how handsome his features are becoming, and soon his personality and voice will be seen and heard, and I cannot WAIT. And to think about this summer, and the sweet GIRL I get to hold and see the same in, is just too much joy to contain :)
Soooo, as any normal auntie would do, I set out to purchase a gift for my sweet un-born niece. Husband in tow, we trecked through baby isles, cooing at item after item (me cooing, him groaning at the price tags), and then I saw something magical happen... my husband touched a coo-worthy item... said he could see our kid wearing it... then... came the magic words: "Get me out of this section..... IT'S MAKING ME WANT A KID."
*cue jaw drops, gasps, girly EEEE's, OMG's, text/phone calls saying "What?", etc.
Yeah! My husband said the magic words!! The words were quickly followed by extreme back-peddling when he saw the shock/surprise/smile on my face. He clarified by stating that he wanted it to be a male child, in no time soon, and not until they produce the technology to guarantee the gender. I might add to that list: when they discover actual money-growing trees. Ha! So sorry friends and family, no babies here. But the bug definitely bit the hubster, momentarilly, and I thought he'd be un-bitable!
It is inevitable for eyes to immediately fall on us, when every other female sibling in the family has a child or is with child. (literally, every female, hub's step sister even announced this week that SHE'S expecting too!) And when those eyes fall on us, we have decided to immediately look to God. Cliche, I know. But really. We don't know why we don't have that itch to start a family, we're not sure when or if we ever will. Neither of us get cute butterflies thinking about having children of our own, we honestly find the idea crazy and expensive! But we do know that when God deems us ready, we've asked Him to make it VERY obvious to us.... I'm hoping it's not a cute butterfly landing on my belly or something cheesy like that... for it to be clear to me it's going to take that butterfly actually SPEAKING to me... in Spanish... followed by an interpretive dance... with a dozen ladybug back up dancers.
So for all of those hearing my excitment over being an aunt and wondering, as most people have been, when I'll be next, the answer is in no time soon, no matter what magic words crop up, unless the Lord wants otherwise. I am sooooo excited and happy for the sisters in our life that are embarking on the journey of motherhood, and I hope I can be an aunt their little ones look up to. But for now, I'll leave the mothering to them. In fact... I may have established a phobia of talking butterflies now... lovely.
Happily Ever After-Shock. If your crown gets heavy - you've found the right place.
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